New? Use the link provided to obtain more information on how to register new students.
Pre - K
Pre-K is a special place where the little things mean a lot.
Parents are required to apply online through SchoolMint, which can be accessed directly via the district’s Pre-K application portal at Parents must electronically submit the following documents: a copy of the child’s certified birth certificate, Social Security card, immunization record, proofs of residency (utility bills), and proofs of income for every adult in the household (Pre-K only). Round one for online applications is open Feb. 1 - May 1. A child must be 4 on or before Sept. 30, 2025, to be eligible for Pre-K. Final eligibility is based on the child’s age and gross household income. Seats will be filled by placing all eligible applications in a lottery after each application round.
If you need assistance with this, our school will be available to visit and we will walk you through the process on (date to be announced) at the assigned time with the required documentation. For more info about Pre-K visit
Go to prior to March 15th and complete the online registration form. The portal opens on March 1st. Visit your home-based school on March 15th at the assigned time with the required documentation to complete the registration process. You will need the following documents: a copy of the child’s certified birth certificate, Social Security card, immunization record, and proofs of residency (utility bills). Your child must be 5 on or before September 30, 2025 to register for Kindergarten.